Green-Works is an award winning social enterprise and registered charity dedicated to helping the environment by diverting redundant office and school furniture from landfill by providing reused and remanufactured furniture to small business, charities, schools and community groups whilst providing training and real work experience to the unemployed.

What are your furniture needs?

I want some removed I want to buy some

Spare Components

Are you in need of spare parts?

Well why not come and get them from Green-Works, due to the variety and amount of furniture we have at Green-Works we also have a lot of spare parts for items such as;

  • Filing cabinets
  • Chairs - castors, arms, seating
  • Desk fixtures - adjustable feet, cable management
  • Book shelves - clips for shelves, additional shelving

All the items are second hand but still provide great quality and are fit for purpose. For more information including spec/styles/colours and prices please contact us on 0845 230 2231. By buying from Green-Works we can ensure you get a great deal and you can also rest in the knowledge you have helped the environment.

For smaller quantities of recycled materials such as wood, foam and material from desk dividers, screws etc for art projects and such likes, why not apply through our get creative page and we maybe able to provide them for free.

Feetspare partsmetal shelves

internal partsadjustable armsbrackets

CastorsscrewsShelf Clips


Buying second hand furniture

Reusing furniture saves 70% of the carbon generated from making a new item

Reusing furniture creates jobs and opportunities - Green-Works have created over 200!

Second hand furniture has plenty of life left in it - no one would even know it was used!

You can save up to 70% of the RRP by buying second hand.